Remedy, heal me now.
On Monday we left Mexico City and flew to Oaxaca. Scott visited there two years ago and was excited to share his favorite restaurants, Mezcal cocktails and sights with me.
Unfortunately, fate had other plans.
I was struggling with…ummm…Traveler’s Tummy since we arrived and haven’t been able to enjoy as much of this town and it’s food as I had hoped. Fortunately, we prepared for situations like this and brought along antibiotics just in case. I’m not one to take these willingly but, trust me, I took them without hesitation. Within 24 hours, I was able to get off the couch to explore the city.
Wednesday was my first night out. We enjoyed watching the sunset at this rooftop bar.
Me, a little weak, but on the upswing.
The last two days were slow but fun. I was enjoying solid foods again (yay!) at some of Scott’s favorite restaurants.
Here are our food notes:
By far our favorite breakfast was at Boulenc. Their coffees, croissants and eggs dishes were extraordinary. Casa Tauiche was near our Airbnb for take-out coffees and pastries.
Lunch at Mercado 20 Noviembre (see Scott’s post, photos and video about our lively lunch there).
Dinner at Casa Oaxaca El Restaurante (excellent and romantic rooftop setting), Las Quince Letra, and Zandunga Sabor Istmeño Centro.
We enjoyed meeting the sweetest couple from Massachusetts, Jan and Doug, here one morning. Within minutes we were discussing our favorite Oaxacan restaurants and receiving a happy hour invitation for that evening to their rooftop apartment. Our offer, to bring a bottle of wine, cheese and crackers. Simple, right? We literally spent the rest of the hot day looking for a cheese and wine store. After walking for hours, we were finally successful with the wine purchase but opted for street-roasted peanuts for the appetizer. Oh well.
The rest of our time in Oaxaca (and all of my energy) was spent exploring….
We had plans to visit the Oaxacan pyramid ruins — Monte Albán, and to tour the extraordinary botanical gardens at the Church of Santo Domingo de Guzman. Not to mention the countless mezcal bars.
All for another time.
Our next stop…Antigua, Guatemala!